
Navicelli Green Theatre, a success produced by elledibook Publishing House
A new cultural site at a stone’s throw from the city centre: artistic direction by Lucia De Benedittis and Renato Raimo Pisa, September 2020. Pisa

“Bimbi Ganzi”, a necklace for those who believe in the dreams of the little ones
The stories of “Bimbi Ganzi” are based on the memories that the characters have of their own childhood and early adolescence, and highlight the experiences
“I have chosen to celebrate my company Pisan origin with a series of books for school-age children set in the city of the Leaning Tower
“La Nazione” and ” Il Tirreno “offer an anticipation of what will be broadcast on Monday 22 July at 9pm on 50Channel in the last
Ugo and Fountain of Friendship
A book for children to give impetus to the our publishing house, elledibook. elledibook has recently published its first fiction book for the little ones,
#COCO Contaminazioni Contemporanee
elledibook edizioni presenta un nuovo e prezioso Brand… 4-9 Giugno 2019, Casale Cafaggio, Pisa
Presentation event ConfcommercioProfessioni
The Confcommercio group was born at the Garibaldi workshops: more voice for freelancers.

50canale: “Services for the companies”
Presentation ConfcommercioProfessioniThe necessary and desirable contamination of free professions.The publishing house intended as a professional network capable of generating opportunities for the enhancement of all
Confcommercioprofessioni is finally born
Now the professionals are teaming up. Thanks to Confcommercio, Pisa will also have its own representative body for freelancers. More info on
Generations compared, with Crepet
The psychiatrist Paolo Crepet, guest at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Pisa, has taken part to an event promoted by the “50 & Più” Association
Premio Donna Impresa 2018
The nine top managers:“A young promise is Lucia De Benedittis, owner of the publishing house which operates in children’s publishing. elledibook has been able to
#COCO Contaminazioni Contemporanee
The New Brand of elledibook edizioni… 4-9 Giugno 2019, Casale Cafaggio, Pisa
Why to buy valuable branded items and not to make your brand valuable? As an editor, I believe that for those who do business it’s